We have the pleasure of supporting and endorsing projects being implemented by youth from around the world, focusing on everything from cultural identity to career and leadership education, mental health and entrepreneurship. So far, some of these have been supported by the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP), which provided start-up grants and opportunities for learning and honing skills to help implement their projects. We've seen first hand how hard these Uyghur youth have worked on their projects and urge you to check them out and give them your support!

A documentary road movie about the concept of ethnic identity, searching for roots, and a little bit about Beyonce. Supported by YEP.

A mental health education and support program designed specifically for Uyghur women and girls. Supported by YEP.
Creating Uyghur language lessons for Russian-speaking audiences over 16 years old. Supported by YEP.

An entrepreneurship project that produces handmade embroidery, punch, and knit by young Uyghur girls in Turkey. Supported by YEP.

Potansiyel Genç Liderlik Projesi. A personal development program designed for young non-governmental volunteers. Supported by YEP.

A mentorship program focused on uplifting, empowering, and fostering academic and professional excellence among Uyghur youth in the United States.

An entrepreneurship project designing and selling casual wear with Uyghur motifs by Uyghur youth in Turkey. Supported by YEP.

Uygur Kariyer ve Akademik Mentorluk Projesi. A group of students bringing together Uyghur youth from around Turkey and supporting them in their career and academic goals. Supported by YEP.

An education project providing seminars on Uyghur history and culture as well as workshops on carpet weaving, art for kids, embroidery, amigurumi taught by Uyghur women, gourd art, and so on. Supported by YEP.

Project for children from 3 to 6 years old with Uyghur language training using the Montessori method. Supported by YEP.