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Uyghur Music in a Post-Truth World

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Social media can be a strange and brutal space, and the contested representation of the ongoing crisis in the Uyghur region is no exception. Sometimes it feels hard to hold onto a sense of reality when faced with the relentless stream of Uyghur happiness now filling our social media feeds. In this session we're joined by long-term researcher of Uyghur culture, Rachel Harris, for a deconstruction of the latest wave of propaganda videos, and a deep dive into her personal archives to highlight the rich forms of Uyghur culture which are not currently being sustained and revitalised under the leadership of the CCP.

Rachel Harris teaches in the School of Arts at SOAS University of London. Her latest book 'Soundscapes of Uyghur Islam' is now out with Indiana University Press. You can find videos and blogs arising from her current project on Uyghur meshrep in Kazakhstan here.


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